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Pasta with Mint Pesto & Broccoli
It's really exciting for me to start translating some of my most popular recipes. I've been getting request for translations for ages, especially on Instagram, and I'm particularly happy to have some close non-Dutch friends finally be able to read what I blog about without getting stuck on Google Translate. More or less anyway, because these English versions are not exact copies of my Dutch posts. The recipe is a translation but some of the blogposts are freshly made by me and Sjoerd! Pesto & Pasta, a killer combo. I've always loved pasta although I'm a lot more choosy about what kind of pasta I eat and generally eat a whole lot less of it. But a big plate with fresh pasta, some olive oil and a pinch of sea salt will put a smile on my face any day! A while ago I discovered this excellent, gluten-free rice pasta. By the way, did you know the Italians are frontrunners when it comes to eating glutenfree. You can get gluten-free pasta and pizzas pretty much everywhere in Italy! Anyway, I found brown rice pasta at my local Ekodis supermarket but you can get it online as well. The peas, broccoli, mint & rocket all add to the lovely green color of this dish. This is one of the many dishes I created by creatively browsing through the things I had left in my kitchen. I love to improvise! This dish is super easy to make and really yummy. The brown rice pasta will keep your blood-sugar stable and will also keep you nice and full, so no after dinner/lunch cravings. This recipe will feed 2 or 3 but if you cook for yourself don't change the quantities and you'll have a nice leftover lunch tomorrow. Pasta with Mint Pesto & Broccoli for 2-3 people 200 gram (gluten-free) pasta, like brown rice pasta 1 small broccoli, chopped, peeled stem and sliced 1 red onion, sliced in thin wedges 1 clove of garlic, finely chopped 1 cup frozen peas 1 tbsp Italian herbs (oregano, basil, rosemary) 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil and for the pesto 2 handfuls of rocket 1 handful of mint leaves 4 tbsp roasted sunflower seeds 4 tbsp extra virgin olive oil juice of 1/2 lemon salt and pepper Add the rocket, mint, sunflower seeds and lemon juice to your food-processor. Gradually add the oil until it starts to look like pesto. Season it with salt and pepper. Cook the pasta according to the instructions provided. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan and saute the onion and garlic for 3 to 5 minutes until they're golden. Add the broccoli and Italian herbs and three tablespoons of water. Cover the pan and let everything simmer for about 8 minutes. Then add the frozen peas. Mix everything over low fire until the peas are warm. Finally mix the pesto with the broccoli mixture. Don't forget to taste and add seasoning to your liking. Serve everything in nice plates with a branch of mint. Requests? See any other interesting looking recipes on my site in Dutch that you would like translated? Leave your suggestions in the comments section below.
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